
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Rare Investments Not Found at Charles Schwab or Edward Jones.

I love out-of-the-box investments. I have a knack for finding them too. My strategy? I see what all the fuss is all about in any given month and start in on some research.

A while back I was bombarded by eBay, and the hype about selling on eBay. I have no interest in chasing down deals all over the country to sell products on eBay for any kind of profit. It just does not appeal to me. But someone is doing a great job at it, and I wanted to find out who.

So I started studying and found a company, very reputable in fact, who is a major player on the eBay circuits. So much though that they have created their own cult following with swap meets and flea markets to provide another venue to sell their products.

Their strategy? To go beyond regional or even national brokers and go international. These brazen investors in fact go to China and elsewhere overseas and purchase massive quantities of product and bring their shipments here to the States and open up eBay auctions and regional stores to sell these products at a huge profit, though still a great discount for the buyers.

Interestingly, they also have a very lucrative investment opportunity. These investors look outside-the-box and think of creative ways to fund their overseas trade. This is where I get excited, for I see a great opportunity to leverage the experience of professionals in a exploding market. For someone making 1000% return on their investment, they can afford to pay investors a great return as well.

And this is the strategy that has afforded my great success in finding lucrative investment opportunities that one can not find at local investment broker houses such as Edward Jones or Charles Schwab. This kind of investing is too risky one might say, though if you have followed the global financial markets at all recently then you know that stocks are in the dump and out-of-the-box investments are looking better every day.

Author Jeremy SasserCollins is the chief money maker behind, where a whole slew of secret online passive-income opportunities are shared for the benefit fo both marketers and non-marketers.

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