Relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach represents luxury, golf and tourism on a grand scale. Relocate to Myrtle Beach and you can expect to have a good time.
Relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a city located in Horry County, and it is directly on the shoreline of the East Coast. Bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, this city of 22,759 has a main industry of tourism, due to its perfect location and many attractions. Those who choose to relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC often do so for the job opportunities and the beautiful surroundings – but not many stay in the area. Myrtle Beach has a significantly lower than average length of stay for those who choose to relocate here.
The median age of the residents of Myrtle Beach is 36.9 years, and 49.3% of the population is female (50.7% male). The median yearly household income is $35,498, with the average cost of purchasing a house here in Myrtle Beach being $135,400. Many families and other residents also choose the option of renting their homes here, as the population turnover in the city is quite large. The average monthly charge for housing rental is $576.
The racial makeup of the area should not affect your choice to relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC – because it is very near the country's average. 79.2% of the city's population designates itself as white/non-Hispanic, and 12.8% states it is Black (which is above South Carolina's average percentage). 4.7% of Myrtle Beach is Hispanic, and the rest of the population states that it is either of mixed race or “other”. When looking at the educational status of the adult population of Myrtle Beach, 22.9% of the population holds a Bachelor's Degree or higher, and 85% have a high school diploma. The unemployment rate in the city is 4.4%.
The nearest city of size to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is Wilmington, which is over 75 miles away. The crime rate in Myrtle Beach is extremely high – much higher than any other city of this size in the vicinity. On a scale which rates the average crime index score of the United States at 325.2, this small city of just over 22,000 people rates a whopping 1722.6 (around 6 times the country's average). Most of these crimes happened in the theft and assault categories. 10.2% of the city's population has left the area in recent years.
The climate in South Carolina is considered to be one of the biggest drawing points of the state, and this is especially so in Myrtle Beach, which is on the ocean. The temperatures here are mild compared to much of the US, with both highs and lows above the national average. Highs reach to above 90ºF in the summers here, but the lows only dip to around 40ºF, above the country's average lows of 20ºF to 30ºF.
Lou Ross is with - a directory of moving truck rentals along with helpful advice on moving issues.
Relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is a city located in Horry County, and it is directly on the shoreline of the East Coast. Bordering on the Atlantic Ocean, this city of 22,759 has a main industry of tourism, due to its perfect location and many attractions. Those who choose to relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC often do so for the job opportunities and the beautiful surroundings – but not many stay in the area. Myrtle Beach has a significantly lower than average length of stay for those who choose to relocate here.
The median age of the residents of Myrtle Beach is 36.9 years, and 49.3% of the population is female (50.7% male). The median yearly household income is $35,498, with the average cost of purchasing a house here in Myrtle Beach being $135,400. Many families and other residents also choose the option of renting their homes here, as the population turnover in the city is quite large. The average monthly charge for housing rental is $576.
The racial makeup of the area should not affect your choice to relocate to Myrtle Beach, SC – because it is very near the country's average. 79.2% of the city's population designates itself as white/non-Hispanic, and 12.8% states it is Black (which is above South Carolina's average percentage). 4.7% of Myrtle Beach is Hispanic, and the rest of the population states that it is either of mixed race or “other”. When looking at the educational status of the adult population of Myrtle Beach, 22.9% of the population holds a Bachelor's Degree or higher, and 85% have a high school diploma. The unemployment rate in the city is 4.4%.
The nearest city of size to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina is Wilmington, which is over 75 miles away. The crime rate in Myrtle Beach is extremely high – much higher than any other city of this size in the vicinity. On a scale which rates the average crime index score of the United States at 325.2, this small city of just over 22,000 people rates a whopping 1722.6 (around 6 times the country's average). Most of these crimes happened in the theft and assault categories. 10.2% of the city's population has left the area in recent years.
The climate in South Carolina is considered to be one of the biggest drawing points of the state, and this is especially so in Myrtle Beach, which is on the ocean. The temperatures here are mild compared to much of the US, with both highs and lows above the national average. Highs reach to above 90ºF in the summers here, but the lows only dip to around 40ºF, above the country's average lows of 20ºF to 30ºF.
Lou Ross is with - a directory of moving truck rentals along with helpful advice on moving issues.
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